My latest projects are decorating these boxes for future brides. Inside are cards to list guests, their addresses, invitations, and for the future - Christmas Card lists!
My neighbor's daughter is such a cutie! She loves to come to my house and do some crafts. For Mother's Day, I traced her handprint onto felt two times. Next I cut out 2 pair, one for her grandmother, too. I then cut out pistons out of bright pink and leaves out of green. Lastly, I rolled it all up and put green wire around them with a pin on the back. They loved them!!!
My sister now has two little girls under the age of 2. I LOVE them and LOVE them and LOVE them. Elle loves my dog. (She's the older of the two). So I try to make up for it by making them stuff. This month I decided to make them matching felt shoes. I've used this pattern before when Elle was small and they always turn out so cute. I did have to make them a bit bigger for Elle and cut them the pattern size for Bree. I started on Elle's first. Such cute little flowers. Such pretty embroidery. They are shown here with the tops and the bottoms. Here they are finished... Now, you'll notice that the left shoe has some issues. That's because the night I finished them, my darling dog that my nieces love so much thought he would put his own touch of love on them. And of course she chewed them in such a way that I will have to redo the entire top portion to fix them. So I gave up on this pair for now and started on Bree's. Their coming along much better- out of reach of Lucy!!! Such cute little flowers. Such pretty embroidery. And so high out of reach of my lovely Lucy dog. :) All I have left is to punch the holes for the strings and to embroider around the tops. That should be finished within the week, I figure.
These are actually extremely easy to make and you can embellish as much or as little as you want. I like to put puffy paint on the bottoms so that they have a little traction. I finally finished it. I've been working on this high heel for several weeks in my spare time (ha!). I started with a search on google for high heel shoe under images and then chose line art. I found a great one at Here was the start: I put the print out on top of a piece of corkboard, put wax paper on top of that (so I don't glue to my pattern) and then I rolled the paper, sometimes using a circle guide to know the circles were the same size. I use stick pins to hold the shapes in place while I glue them together. White glue that dries clear is what I use both to make the circles and to glue one to another.
I ordered the specialty paper from for the main part of the shoe. It's black with a silver edge. I love the way this turned out. I plan to frame it and hang it in my office. So what are you working on? What are you proud of that took you a long time to accomplish? Please, leave a comment and let me know anything on your mind! This past weekend I had the opportunity to take my son to Lake Charles and stay with a wonderful family for Mardi Gras. Since they had just moved into their BEAUTIFUL home, I decided that I would want to give them a hostess gift for opening their home and family to us.
After seeing her decorating style, I found lots of glass, Fleur de lis, and bronze wrought iron. So I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a beautiful footed cake stand and decided I would create their last initial in a Fleur de lis and etch it onto the cake stand lid. This is a very simple project and something I learned to do in 7th grade art class. First, you clean the glass. Next, put masking tape over the glass. Trace your pattern onto the masking tape and then use an exacto knife to cut away the part of the tape that you want glass etched. Place glass etching cream (found at the hobby store) on the glass and leave it for about 10 minutes. I know it says 5, but to make it really stand out, I've found 10-15 works better and it doesn't eat through the masking tape. Then wash it off and clean your glass thoroughly. TaDa! Fabulous! So tonight I made the cutest birthday card. Embossed happy birthday on the white card. I used green ink on a sponge to make it stand out. then I put green crdstock with a die cut "boys rock" in white on it. Unfortunately, since I was in such a hurry to get to the party, I forgot to take a picture! Guess that means that I'll have to make another one! ![]() Update- here's some others that I did using the same technique. First post!!! Wow, I'm actually doing it. I'm doing a blog about what I love. What will I post first? What can I write about first? Yesterday when I got home, I took a picture I had of a day lilly and turned into black and white. Then I "glowed" the edges in Adobe Photoshop. ![]() Then I put a piece of vellum over it and a piece of silicone (from my embossing machine) under it and used an embossing stylus to trace it.
I used a needle punch on the holes all the way around and took apart my crafting sandwich. I trimmed it. I put it on a piece of green cardstock and punched the side with a fancy punch. I then added it to a card. Craft complete! The best part of working on a project is seeing the completed project! The hardest part is giving it away!!! :) |
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AmyCraft? When? Where? How do I sign up? Can I show you? I love anything I can do with my hands to create something beautiful. Archives
February 2019